Hookay, it's week 3 of school and I still haven't find the drive to study. Seriously, i find going to school to be such a drag.
Anyways, I'm taking only 4 mods this term. Let's see...
Entrepreneurial (man, i never like tt word - always a mouthful to pronounce and tough to spell) Finance: So far it's okay i guess. One thing tho, when I saw the prof on our first class, I thought, "He's kinda cute". LOL. Seriously. Definitely the most good-looking, relatively speaking, prof that I've ever encountered. All of us thought that he's only in his 30s but he's almost 50 already! He looks much younger than his age and he's got a nice build. But too bad, he's pretty monotonous. My class is on Monday MORNINGs. No matter how cute he looks, i couldn't help but feeling bored. I almost dropped it, but damn, I paid e$70+ for tt class, and if I drop it, i'll lose e$20+.
2nd week of EF, I was lost most of the time. He just suddenly did some calculation and spoke in greek. My bad for not doing my reading, I guess. So since I was lost, I facebooked. Fenny who was sitting beside me told me that Prof has a facebook. So... obviously I went to his FB and checked him out. Can you believe it? Moi who thinks that most profs are out there to ruin her life (or GPA to be specific), and thus can't be bothered by such species, would do such a thing. But I was curious (and lost, remember). So check him out I did. And i got a surprise...or shock, can't decide. That's cuz there on my screen was a half-nekkid man (make that 90% nekkid) beaming at me. And there was a few of such pics. I couldn't help laughing, and when I showed to Fens, Eks and Yins, they laughed too. Luckily the prof was telling some joke or sth, cuz the class was laughing, otherwise it'd be weird if we're chuckling while the rest of the class was concentrating on whatever he was writing on the board. If he was some other guy, i'd be like "wow, that's hot!" when I see him on FB. But he's a friggin PROF! It's just weird. Profs are supposed to be thick-glasses wearing, pruny and balding old men. Ok i'm exaggerating, none of my profs are like tt, 'cept for one. But still...
Then met Kris (who's also takin EF, but afternoon class) after my class and while we're talkin about how young prof looks, he suddenly said, "His pants are so tight! I'd feel uncomfortable in them". LOL. Yea, I had exactly the same thought on our first class. Real tight pants. Prolly, he wants to flaunt those tight butts of his. haha... okay.... hope he doesn't read this post :P
Today's class was better. At least I understood most part. And then he was like telling us how some students made biased simulation and I guessed that amused him and he smiled a lot. A thought went across my mind. "He looks even better when he smiles". Just as I had that thought, Fens beside me quipped, "Hey, he looks sweet when he smiles." This is Fens we're talking about, who hardly make comments about guys, unless prompted. That was amusing. Then we joked that in normal setting, he looks like in his 30s, in facebook (esp in his speedos) he looks in his 20s, and when he smiles, he looks 18! LOL.... Mayb the e$70 isn't such a waste after all. Haha.... *jokes*
Curious of who he is? Come to SMoo. LOL...There aren't many prof teaching EF, neways ;)
Wow, wrote 4 paras just on EF. Moving on...
Advance Auditing: Ketan is my prof. 'Nuff said.
Advance Financial Accounting: I remembered what Erls said when she saw my book. "Car, I saw 3 really disgusting words. First, it's accounting. Then it's actually financial accounting. ADVANCE somemore!" LOL....My sentiments exactly, Erls.
It's known as the buy-one-get-one-free mod. Some people say it's 3x worse than Corp rep, some said 5x and there are others who said 10x. Dunno which one's correct yet. But since I'm an accountant-in-training, I shall be conservative and so I'd say it's 10x. But one thing for sure, the moment I mention that I'm taking AFA, those who have taken it will either have a very disgusted look on their faces, or say "Urgh, I remember that mod!" with such contempt or simply wish me luck. ^^"
Frankly speaking, I like the prof. I think she's real nice. Kinda motherly. My friends thought so too. It's just the mod. It's a killer! 2nd week is still bearable tho. But heard she accelerates really quickly. Kinda like an F1 race car. haha...
Business Study Mission: Tonnes of emails! Omg, I just can't keep up with the emails. And we started working on the mod 1 mth BEFORE school starts. Lotsa work and it feels like I'm constantly walking on a field of landmines. Never know what's gonna happen. As in... you know I mean. But I kinda expected that already. I just have to keep telling myself that there's light at the end of the tunnel (i hope *crossfingers*) MIDDLE EAST BAYBEHH!! Who knows a rich oil sheikh is waiting there for me? Mwahahaha....
I seriously think this term is gonna be a hell of a ride. I've got like 2 friggin projects for EVERY single mods and my mods are the advance types. So yeah... WISH ME LUCK!!
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
aiyeee. caressa likes old men! hahahaha!!!
excuse me... didn't say i like old men! i said, if he were some guy, it'd be hot. but he's a PROF! eyeww.. but seriously he doesn't look his age LOL..
ADUH car!! jgn nakut2in dunk... gw masih harus ambil AFA nih after this.. btw: gw bisa imagine erlina's face pas read advanced financial accounting.. kaya triple musibah gt ^^
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